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Week 8


  • Designed a database schema to store error counts from basic validations.
  • Had a meeting with the CQube team where I gained insights into the requirements and modifications for the basic validation process.
  • Successfully configured the database format from cqube for basic validation process.
  • Implemented a dropdown feature within the basic validation process, enabling users to choose the appropriate database format from the options provided. This choice is determined by the CSV file they have uploaded.
  • Enhance the validation code for improved time complexity when handling sizable CSV files.


  • Understood the importance of a well-structured database schema to efficiently store error counts from basic validations.
  • Gained knowledge of database configuration settings in Django to ensure proper connectivity.
  • Understood Django forms and views to provide users with selectable options based on their uploaded CSV file.
  • Familiarity with Django's query optimization methods and efficient data handling to reduce processing time.